Introduction (Mutia Afrianti - 2270402046 - 2A Penerbitan)

Hello everyone, how are you? Hopefully all is well , in this blog i want to introduce myself and also review the final exam of the English semester 1. 

Okei well, let's start, from self-introduction, so my name is Mutia Afrianti, my friends usually call Mutia, I was born in the city of Bekasi on the twenty-second of April Two thousand four so my age is now eighteen years old. I live in the city bekasi. I am currently pursuing a second semester vocational education at the Polytechnic of Creative Media campus, precisely in the publishing department. 

The material for the final exam of the English semester last semester was:
1.  The first part of speech (adverbs, conjunction, nouns,pronouns,article,adjective,prepotions, interjection, verbs)
2. Then there was fixing capital letters in a word and sentence, 
3. Capitalization and punctuction
4. After that there was writing a paragraph and there were 4 paragraph texts, namely, description, narrative, exposition and finally there was persuasive.  All of these texts are about visiting the iibf exhibition.

 Okayi so that's all from the blog this time please apologize if there are pronunciation and mention errors I end thank you.


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