Mind Term - UTS

Name: Mutia Afrianti 

1. Please Explain Briefly about your understanding on Publipreneur Based Language Learning


2. How can PBLL Influence and improve your reading skill? Give example

3.How can PBLL Influence and improve your writing skill? Give example

4.How can PBLL. Influence and improve your listening skill? Give example

5.How can PBLL Influence and improve your speaking skill? Give example

6. Please give verbal verification about project you edit

7.Please explain about editorial judgment on the project you edit



1..Experts think that PBLL is a development of CBLT with Distinguishing factors on the teaching aspect (teaching) with Learning (learning). The readability level of PBLL is considered good because it contains elements Verbal, Visual and Virtual The Effectiveness of PBLL Teaching Materials Looks at the Significant Differences Between Before and After Learning.

2.The Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model helps us to be more active and increase interest in beginning reading because learning is divided into several groups and discuss and find solutions to problems. Examples of skills in reading are like we read a script by studying the contents, divided into: perusing; reading comprehension; critical reading; read ideas.

3.The low number of vocabulary owned by us. So that it causes us to feel confused and difficult to express ideas in writing an English text. The author tries to find learning models and methods that are in accordance with the characteristics of students and learning materials. The author chooses to use the PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning model. The results achieved after using this model and method are very effective results for us. This is evident from the increase in our enthusiasm and enthusiasm in learning. This is due to the use of learning media using power points, learning videos and several platforms such as Quizziz and Google Forms. An example of a skill is writing. Writing is not an easy job, and requires high-level thinking skills in describing an idea.

4.Listening allows a person to provide constant feedback and this is what makes friends and family judge that you are smart enough to give the right response. Actively listening to what other people are saying can also make you a charismatic person. The essence of a good communicator is your role to listen more, not just talk. An example of a skill that we can take is a. Ask open-ended questions that aim to dig deeper into information than closed questions. B. Asking more specific things about the topic being discussed. C. Able to share relevant opinions related to the main topics.

5.Speaking skills in learning English are important to improve, so creative and innovative and interesting learning is needed and appropriate learning models according to the characteristics of the material and students to motivate students to get used to speaking English at least during the learning process. Speaking has a very important social role in human life, because speaking is a very vital face-to-face communication tool. Likewise, a student’s speaking ability is very important for the development of achievement, there will be a clear difference between students who actively talk and students who passively talk to friends and class teachers. By using the project based learning learning model which requires students to produce projects, all students are enthusiastic about making projects that are instructed in LKPD. By presenting the video as the beginning of the meeting, it stimulates students’ motivation to ask questions and fosters enthusiasm for learning within students. Regardless of the obstacles found in this study, the authors remain enthusiastic about creating interesting and innovative learning so that learning objectives are achieved. An example Is public speaking, so we can speak fluently in front of many people, such as during a campaign or during a presentation.

6. Verbal verification of the project my group and I are editing:

 - The grammar used is quite good, there are only a few things that need to be improved because they still use slang 

- The alignment in the text still needs to be fixed, because the text looks messy 

- Their bibliography still needs to be improved, because from a writing point of view it is still wrong

7. The manuscript we received was finished and the content is quite good. The text is about name tags which contain types of name tags. The writing and grammar of this script are good, except for a few sentences that seem messy and can be fixed by breaking them into several paragraphs. In addition, some of the boxes do not provide additional information effectively.



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Introduction (Mutia Afrianti - 2270402046 - 2A Penerbitan)