
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2023

Introduction (Mutia Afrianti - 2270402046 - 2A Penerbitan)

Hello everyone, how are you? Hopefully all is well , in this blog i want to introduce myself and also review the final exam of the English semester 1.  Okei well, let's start, from self-introduction, so my name is Mutia Afrianti, my friends usually call Mutia, I was born in the city of Bekasi on the twenty-second of April Two thousand four so my age is now eighteen years old. I live in the city bekasi. I am currently pursuing a second semester vocational education at the Polytechnic of Creative Media campus, precisely in the publishing department.  The material for the final exam of the English semester last semester was: 1.  The first part of speech (adverbs, conjunction, nouns,pronouns,article,adjective,prepotions, interjection, verbs) 2. Then there was fixing capital letters in a word and sentence,  3. Capitalization and punctuction 4. After that there was writing a paragraph and there were 4 paragraph texts, namely, description, narrative, exposition and finally the